Designing process as a dialog.
Producing an adequate project in dialogue with all affected people means for us mutual involvement and appreciative communication of counterparts in all phases of the work. We realize, that communication contributes the result a lot to user´s acceptance and identification. We believe, that architecture is about communication.
We feel connected to clients, which oblige to beauty and appreciation for design and we see our mission fulfilled, when an object fits very well into the landscape, when interiors spread atmosphere, when the users are satisfied.
Energy efficiency
Building energy efficient and resource efficient buildings is part of our attitude. Our goal is to save more energy than the law requires and to achieve an energy consumption close to the passive house (15 – 35 kWh / m2a). A well-insulated building and the optimization of the building services technology result in a minimal primary energy requirement, which is generated via roof or façade surfaces. This means ecological and economic sustainability, low operating costs and great comfort both in private homes and in major tourism buildings.
We commit our work also to accessibility in order to enable the participation of all people in public life and the greatest possible self-determination in many situations of life and at any age. Whether in public buildings, nursing homes or in your own home, there are always ways to pave the way to arduous paths and to redesign them right away.
Heike Schlauch
Arch. Mag.arch. Dipl.Ing.(FH)
Architect and Interior Designer
Studies Interior Design, FH Rosenheim
Studies Architecture, Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna, Prof. Hans Hollein
2001 – 2012
raumhochrosen architekturerzeugnisse, Bregenz, in collaboration with Robert Fabach
2005 – 2014
Member of the board/ Vice President/ President of Central Association of Architects Austria, Regional section Vorarlberg
since 2008
State-authorized and sworn civil engineer
2011 – 2022
Member of the board of the Architectural Institut Vorarlberg (VAI)
Founding member of the initiative tisch: Wir bauen Nachbarschaft! – Communal housing projects for Vorarlberg
since 2013
Heike Schlauch raumhochrosen
located in Vorarlberg and Tenerife
Certified potential development coach according to Gerald Hüther
Chamber of Architects and Ingenieurs for Tirol and Vorarlberg
Central Association of Architects Austria, Regional section Vorarlberg
Architectural Institut Vorarlberg